Spiritual Life

Leadership In Service

Serving in Christ's Name

Jesus modeled Christian leadership for us when he went out of his way to serve others. He gives us example after example as he shares God's love, forgiveness and grace.

At Lutheran South, our students have many opportunities to be Christian leaders. All of us need a helping hand once in a while whether it's with homework, a project, or just when we're having a bad day. Watch for us in action gathering baby items for Nurses for Newborns, collecting food for pastors in training and their families at Concordia Seminary, donating blood at our on-campus blood drives and bringing gifts for needy families to name just a few!. It's a part of who we are -- as teens growing in Christ. 

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  • Faith in Action: Special Olympics

    Twice a year, Lutheran South students and staff serve those in need by hosting a Special Olympics track meet for children in St. Louis area special schools.

    Nearly 200 children are paired with Lutheran South "buddies" who are their leaders, cheerleaders and helpers throughout the track meet day. The young athletes enjoy track events according to their abilities, striving to use their gifts and be their best. 

    Learn more about Faith in Action: Special Olympics.

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.  I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

John 13: 14-15
Inspiring students through a Christ-centered lens to live courageously and serve faithfully