About Us

What We Believe

We Are One In Christ.

We believe in the true Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The very foundation of our life together is the Bible, God's inerrant and inspired Word.

We believe in the saving grace and promise of everlasting life.

Given freely to us by God our Father, through the suffering, death and resurrection of his Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Our faith is defined in the concept of “Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura”—grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone, through no effort or merit of our own.

We value the power of a caring Christian community.

We honor each other's gifts and differences with genuine respect and encouragement. When we falter in our efforts, we recognize our sin and seek God's forgiveness and grace. We approach each other with repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation and renewal.

We cultivate a school climate where students grow, live, share their faith and grow as servant leaders.

A deliberate focus on Christian character leads to responsible Christian service to one another and builds up our larger community. We serve out of our love for God, modeling our service after Christ’s example.

With the Bible as our foundation, we seek to live according to God’s Word.

For the sake of unity and the proper teaching of Scripture we uphold these Biblical truths:
  • God created man and woman in His image. He reserves sexual activity for the marriage of one man and one woman, as his gift and for the sake of families.
  • God's Word describes the human body as a temple, to be used to glorify God.
  • God’s Word guides us to support the unborn and all aspects of life created by God for the goodness and welfare of all people and to His glory.
  • God's Word encourages a life of character, integrity and honesty in relationships, thoughts, word and deed.
Our goal is to affirm each person’s identity in Christ and strengthen the relationship with Him. We seek to give glory to God in all that we do, recognizing that we, and everything we have, belong to God.
As a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS), Lutheran High School South believes, teaches, and confesses the unchanging truth of Holy Scripture as described in the Lutheran Confessions and the belief and practice of the LCMS.

Please click on the following link “Belief and Practice” from the LCMS website for a comprehensive statement of beliefs. 
Inspiring students through a Christ-centered lens to live courageously and serve faithfully