
Visit Us

a visit for every student

A visit to campus is the first step in learning more about Lutheran South. 

Shadow visits give students a glimpse into Lancer life. Prospective students are paired with current students and attend classes, experience lunch, and even receive an exclusive shadow gift. Shadow visits usually occur from 8:45 a.m. through lunch or from lunch until 2:45 p.m.

Family visits can be scheduled before drop-off or after pick-up times. They also can be scheduled on a different day if that is more convenient for you. These visits include a meeting with one of our Admissions Coordinators and Jonathan Butterfield, Head of School, as well as a tour. Let us share with you details about what makes our program unique.

If you are interested in a visit, please complete the form below or call Leanna Butterfield, Alli Kaufmann, or Laura Maschhoff at 314-833-1088 to schedule. We look forward to meeting you!

Upcoming Events

List of 3 events.

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List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Leanna Butterfield

    Mrs. Leanna Butterfield 

    Student Engagement Coordinator
  • Photo of Laura Maschhoff

    Mrs. Laura Maschhoff 

    Admissions Coordinator
  • Photo of Allison Kaufmann

    Mrs. Allison Kaufmann 

    Admissions Coordinator


    • Construction Traffic Flow

Inspiring students through a Christ-centered lens to live courageously and serve faithfully