Lutheran South News

A Message From Our Principal During Our Nation's Unrest

Dear LuSo Community,
Sin is all around us. The effects are evident not only in our news feeds and social media posts, but even in our own hearts and homes. Anger, injustice, sickness, pride, hatred, greed, violence, despair, and even death abound. Yet, we have hope.
We hope because there is One who has overcome sin. Jesus Christ is our one true and only hope. Through His perfect life, death, and resurrection, we have a Savior from our sin and its horrific effects. Only the light of the Gospel can change hearts and break the chains of sin.
At Lutheran High School South, the most important thing our students hear every day is the reality of their own identity in Christ. "Remember Who[se] You Are" is more than just a theme; each one of us needs the constant reminder that we are all children of God, loved and saved by Jesus. 

Our nation needs to hear this message today as much as ever before. Unequivocally, Black Lives Matter. We, too, are outraged by the racial discrimation and injustice shown to our black brothers and sisters. After all, the same Creator who holds the universe in the palm of His hand is the one who formed every person in His image, thereby giving every human being unique, divine value. Unborn or aged, skin color or ethnicity, similarities or differences, we, too, value every human life because Jesus has given His life for everyone. This message must be urgently shared through our words and shown through our actions with the world, because without it there is no hope.
Sometimes we need to talk to somebody who can remind us of the certainty of the hope that we have in Christ. Our Counseling Office at Lutheran South is available to meet with our students in person or virtually. Our Campus Pastor, Rev. Michael Knippa, and our Director of Counseling, Ebony Sistrunk, can be reached through their school email at any time.
Continue to pray for our communities, our nation, and our world. In addition, join me in seeking opportunities to show and share the Gospel with those around us. In Christ alone our hope is found!
Jonathan Butterfield, Principal
Lutheran High School South 
Inspiring students through a Christ-centered lens to live courageously and serve faithfully